EK releases Fliud Gaming Series expansion packs

EK releases Fliud Gaming Series expansion packs

EK releases Fliud Gaming Series expansion packs

When EK first announced that Fluid Gaming series of water cooling products many seasoned water coolers simply dismissed them out of hand. Water cooling kits that are based on aluminium? Are you joking? Little did they know that these kits would turn out to be excellent performers, especially when considering the pricepoints that they offer. 
Yes, aluminium is not as good of a conductor as copper but in the grand scheme of things, the use of aluminium is not going to yield terrible performance. Those who are concerned about corrosion should also not be concerned as the use of a modern coolant, that offers anti-corrosive properties, and the fact that the fluid gaming series of products are designed to be all aluminium. Corrosion will only be a factor in a mixed, metal loop. 
The main problem with EK’s Fluid gaming lineup is its lack of expandability options, as adding standard non-aluminium parts will be problematic. Now EK is addressing this issue with their new Fluid Gaming series of expansion packs, as well as other standalone parts that will arrive in the near future. 
So far EK is offering 240mm expansion kit and a 360mm expansion kit, both of which comes complete with fans, fittings, and fan power adapters. These kits will be available for €88.48 and €98.32 respectively. Please note that these kits are designed for EK Fluid gaming water coolings kits only, given their use of Aluminium parts. 


EK releases Fliud Gaming Series expansion packs


In the future EK plans on offering dedicated Fluid Gaming Aluminium CPU and GPU water blocks, fittings, angled fitting adapters, pumps, and a wide variety of other optional extras.  


You can join the discussion on EK’s new Fluid Gaming series of water cooling expansion kits on the OC3D Forums. 


Special thanks to Daiyus for bringing this news to our attention.