Crytek Announced The Climb Oculus VR Game and Minimum System Requirements

Crytek Announced The Climb Oculus VR Game and Recommended System Specs

Crytek Announced The Climb Oculus VR Game and Recommended System Specs


Crytek has always created beautiful games, games which take advantage of the latest hardware and often brings it to its knees. 

VR has always been an obvious step for Crytek, as ever since we had first seen their “Back to Dinosaur Island” VR demo we really knew that we really wanted to see a full VR game from the company, even if it is just for some amazing visuals. 

Crytek has now announced their Oculus Rift Exclusive VR title “The Climb”, a game which offers us a climbing experience which promises to show us some amazing landscapes. 


 Feel the unrivaled adrenaline rush of free solo rock climbing and encounter the majesty of nature like never before in The Climb – a new virtual reality game from Crytek – coming exclusively to Oculus.

The Climb invites thrill-seekers to experience the ultimate in extreme sports by going beyond the point of no return and scaling deadly cliff faces unaided. The game boasts hyper-realistic climbing locations from around the world, and players will discover the freedom of gaming with the Rift using either an Xbox One controller or Oculus Touch controllers as they soak up their awe-inspiring surroundings.



Cevat Yerli, the CEO and founder of Crytek has this to say regarding the new title; 



    Gaming has always given us the opportunity to place ourselves in otherwise impossible scenarios, and VR technology such as the Rift makes us feel present in those scenarios like never before. The Climb invites players to experience the intensity of one of the world’s most dangerous sports, and they’ll truly feel the thrill of being thousands of meters above the ground with nothing but their skill and a few precarious handholds to rely on.


Below are the games minimum system requirements for the Oculus Rift. The game will be an Oculus Exclusive title, so it will not be coming for the HTC Vive.   

On the GPU side this game looks like it will perform equally well on AMD and Nvidia, but again this is something that we will not really know until release. 


CPU: Intel i5-4590 equivalent or greater 
Memory: 8 GB RAM 
GPU: NVIDIA GTX 970 / AMD 290 equivalent or greater 
OS: Windows 7 SP1 or newer 
HDD: We do not know the final size of our game yet 
Display: Oculus Rift, native resolution


While this game is certainly beautiful, I am not sure if a game that is about climbing alone will be enough to hold the interest of gamers for long. VR will really need a “Killer App” on launch if it really wants to kind reasonable market adoption, as at this time most of the games that are coming to the Oculus look like nice, artistic visual experiences, not games. 


You can join the discussion on Crytek’s The Climb VR Game on the OC3D Forums.