Kingston First to Release DDR3 1600MHz 12GB Triple-Channel Memory Kits

Kingston First to Release DDR3 1600MHz 12GB Triple-Channel Memory KitsKingston 12GB kit
Good old Kingston are at it again, being first to market with 12GB Triple-Channel DDR3 HyperX 1600MHz Memory Kits for the Core i7 platform. The 3x4GB modules are intended to deliver excellent performance, aiding users in getting the most out of their Core i7 systems. 
The kit is now the largest in the range, of which 3GB and 6GB kits with frequencies up to 2000MHz are readily available. Like all Kingston memory the kits are backed by a lifetime warranty and 24/7 support should you require it.
“Kingston was first to release 2GHz kits and has continued to lead the memory charge with more DDR3 offerings since Intel created the triple-channel architecture,” said Mark Tekunoff, senior technology manager, Kingston®. “Our latest kit of three was tested with great success on the Asus P6T Deluxe motherboard and runs at a speedy 1600MHz to take full advantage of the memory controller on the Core i7 processor for unmatched performance.”
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