A Free Demo for One Finger Death Punch 2 is available on Steam

A Free Demo for One Finger Death Punch 2 is available on Steam

A Free Demo for One Finger Death Punch 2 is available on Steam

One Finger Death Punch is about to return to PC with a vengeance, with developer Silver Dollar Games paving the way to the game’s sequel with a free demo version of the game, allowing gamers to try our what they call the “world’s fastest brawler”. 

The idea behind one finger death punch is simple, left = attack, right = attack, simple right? Players are surrounded by a multitude of foes, and you must use whatever means necessary to survive, utilising a combat system that lacks complex button combinations and relies solely on timing and precision, creating a satisfying gameplay loop that’s hard to fault once you get into the flow of the game. 

On top of the game’s fast-paced action, One Finger Death Punch is complimented by some spectacular visuals, showcasing animations that are inspired by many famous action movies or are otherwise designed to wow onlookers. The trailer below will show what I mean. With over 1000 animations available, literally anything is possible. This game is designed to give you a quick hit of adrenalin, making it an excellent pick up and play option.  

With the demo being available for free on Steam, there is little reason not to try One Finger Death Punch 2’s demo, as the full game will not be available until April 15th. 


You can join the discussion on One Finger Death Punch 2’s free PC demo on the OC3D Forums.Â