DLSS Support has been Added to 3DMARK – Up to a 50% Performance Boost Possible

DLSS Support has been Added to 3DMARK - Up to a 50% performance Boost Possible

DLSS Support has been Added to 3DMARK – Up to a 50% Performance Boost Possible

Nvidia’s new Geforce RTX series graphics cards offer two major features that their predecessors lack, hardware acceleration for ray tracing and AI compute in the form of the company’s proprietary Tensor cores. 

To summarise things, ray tracing accelerations allow in-game graphics to be taken to a new level using accurate simulations of light whereas Nvidia’s tensor cores can use the power of AI compute and deep learning to deliver improved graphics through unconventional means. So far, Nvidia’s DLSS (Deep Learning Super Sampling) technology is the only graphical technique that utilises the performance of Nvidia’s Tensor cores, upscaling lower than native resolution images to create a higher-fidelity final image, boasting improved performance and heightened graphical detail when compared to today’s commonly used Temporal Anti-Aliasing solutions. 

Today, Nvidia’s DLSS technology has come to UL Benchmarks’ 3DMARK Port Royal benchmark, coming in the form of a “DLSS Feature Test” which is designed to showcase the performance and graphical benefits of Nvidia’s AI-powered supersampling technology. Please note that DLSS isn’t coming to the full 3DMARK Port Royal benchmark, which means that RTX card owners shouldn’t expect to see a sudden increase in their Port Royal scores. 

Nvidia has claimed that DLSS will offer up to a 50% performance boost in 3DMARK Port Royal and delivers a notable boost in graphical quality over the benchmark’s native TAA implementation, providing sharper visuals overall. 


To use 3DMARK’s new DLSS feature test, PC gamers require a copy of 3DMARK (and the benchmark’s Port Royal Upgrade), an instal of Windows 10 with the October 2018 update and an Nvidia RTX-powered desktop or laptop. Nvidia also requires PC gamers to use the company’s latest “Game Ready” driver, Geforce 418.81 WHQL.

You can join the discussion on DLSS coming to 3DMARK Port Royal on the OC3D Forums. Â