Dragon’s Dogma 2 now has a 2-hour free trial on Steam

PC gamers are now able to try out Dragon’s Dogma 2 on Steam for a limited time

Until July 18th, PC gamers on Steam will be able to access a free 2-hour trial of Dragon’s Dogma 2. This free trial will allow players to play some early sections of the RPG, and try out the game before committing to a purchase. Until July 11th, the game is available with a 20% discount as part of Steam’s Summer Sale.

This free trial arrives one day after the game’s June 27th update. This update addresses the game’s CPU optimisation issues in NPC-heavy areas. It also fixes several game bugs and brings changes to the game’s storage systems.

Capcom has recommended that free trial players create characters using Dragon’s Dogma 2’s free character creator. This will allow gamers to maximise their playtime using the game’s free trial.

The action-RPG game Dragon’s Dogma 2, will be on sale for the first time!

For those thinking of picking it up, 2 hours of gameplay will be available for free until July 18th at 17:00 UTC! Try your hand at unique roleplay and emergent gameplay in this rich fantasy world.

Your journey starts with creating your characters, and you can import data from the free Dragon’s Dogma 2 Character Creator & Storage so that your two hours of play are as action-packed as possible.

During the Steam Summer Sale, Dragon’s Dogma 2 is available for £43.18 on Steam. Save data from the game’s trial can be transferred to the full game upon purchase. Note that this trial’s timer will count while this game is running in the background or paused. As such, gamers should be careful to not leave this trial paused, or in the background for extended periods.

You can join the discussion on Dragon’s Dogma 2’s free PC trial on the OC3D Forums.

Mark Campbell

Mark Campbell

A Northern Irish father, husband, and techie that works to turn tea and coffee into articles when he isn’t painting his extensive minis collection or using things to make other things.

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