Mass Effect’s Pinnacle Station DLC will not be part of Mass Effect: Legendary Edition – Data Corruption…

Mass Effect's Pinnacle Station DLC will not be part of Mass Effect: Legendary Edition - Data Corruption...

Mass Effect’s Pinnacle Station DLC will not be part of Mass Effect: Legendary Edition – Data Corruption…

Bioware has confirmed that Mass Effect: Legendary Edition will not be content complete, as Mass Effect 1’s Pinnacle Station DLC will be missing from the experience. Unlike much of the original Mass Effect Trilogy, Pinnacle Station was developed by a third party studio called Demiurge Studios, who had lost the data to corruption. 

Without the DLC’s source code, Bioware cannot add Pinnacle Station to Mass Effect Legendary Edition without recreating the DLC from scratch, an effort which is beyond the scope of Mass Effect Legendary Edition’s development plans. Bioware’s Mac Walters estimated that recreating the DLC would take “another full six months”, which is a lot of effort for what we would call Mass Effect’s most skippable DLC. 

Back when Mass Effect 1 was released on PS3, five years after the launch of the game on Xbox 360, it too was missing Mass Effect’s Pinnacle Station DLC. The PS3 version of Mass Effect released in 2012, making the Pinnacle Station issue an almost decade-old problem. While there have been fresh efforts to revive the DLC, these efforts have sadly failed to bear any fruit. As such, Pinnacle Station will be missing from Mass Effect: Legendary Edition. 

Mass Effect 1 will be receiving the largest overhaul in Mass Effect Legendary Edition, as Bioware plans to offer players reworked gameplay and a deeper graphical overhaul. More information about Mass Effect Legendary Edition is available here. 

Everything you need to know about Mass Effect Legendary Edition

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