Foxconn DigitaLife ELA P45 Motherboard

Cinebench 10 logo
Cinebench 10 is a benchmarking tool based on the powerful 3D software Cinema 4D. The suite uses complex renders to guage the performance of the entire PC system in both single-core and multi-core modes. Testing was performed a total of 5 times with the highest and lowest results being omitted and an average created from the remaining 3 results.
3DMark05 logo3DMark06 logo
3DMark is a popular synthetic gaming benchmark used by many gamers and overclockers to gauge the performance of their PC’s. All 3DMark runs were performed a total of 5 times with the highest and lowest results being removed and an average calculated from the remaining 3 results.
Results Observations
The Cinebench 10 Rendering and OpenGL benchmarks illustrated the difference between the motherboards and how much CPU clock speed makes a difference. The Foxconn ELA fell quite badly behind the pack here with a 400-odd point deficit between the leading Foxconn BlackOps during the 1x CPU test, and around 1700 points for all four cores. OpenGL performance also took a hit here with the Foxconn ELA coming in last by quite a margin against the three reference motherboards.

This trend continued further with the 3DMark05 and 3DMark06 synthetic tests. However, the deficit between all the motherboards is now significantly reduced. I can’t help but feel that if the Foxconn ELA had been able to be overclocked to 3.6GHz like the reference motherboards, then the results would have been significantly more interesting.