Hitman Beta Performance Review

Hitman Beta Performance Review

Game Settings 4K Screenshot Comparison

 In this Beta Hitman is a game where I can honestly say that it looks good at both the lowest and the highest settings, with the difference in the games visuals being fairly difficult to see without a side by side comparison. 

All the following Screenshots have been taken at a resolution of 4K with the settings displayed at the top left hand side of the image. To see the image at their full resolution and size please click on them. 

In this first set of screenshots we can see that the changes in the games graphical settings make a very minor cosmetic difference, with the biggest differences being the boost in shadow quality when Ambient Occlusion is added in the Medium setting and when the AA is changed from FXAA to SMAA in the medium settings. 

The other settings do have visual differences, but they are fairly minor, mostly being texture resolution changes and small increases in shadow quality. 


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In this next set of screenshots the differences in the games visuals are much more noticeable, with level of detail changes being very visible when moving from the lowest to the low settings, with increased lighting complexity in the medium to far distance. 

At the lowest settings you can see noticeable aliasing in the game, which is decreased by using FXAA, but you may notice that when moving from the Low and medium settings, where FXAA is replaced with SMAA, that the image is much sharper when using SMAA as FXAA has a blurring affect on the image. This is most noticeable when you look at faces in the distance. 

On the most part the visual changes are very minor in this scene, with the higher settings having increased shadow quality and some higher resolution textures, but these differences are only visible when the player really searches for it. 


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