XFX Radeon Magnetic Air RX 7800XT and RX 7900XTX


XFX Radeon Magnetic Air Review


As you can see from our results, the performance of the new XFX Magnetic Air cards isn’t impacted by their alternative cooling design. The boost clocks are impressive, demonstrating the excellent cooling. The colder the card runs the more the drivers boost them, and the longer that boost can be sustained. Clearly the XFX Magnetic Air design continues the excellent showing we’ve seen from all their recent cooler designs. The fans might be separate but that doesn’t impact how well they can keep the GPU frosty. Our temperature graph backs this up.

Such is the simplicity of the XFX Magnetic Air solution there isn’t much to actually say about it. The fans drop in easily. Those seriously strong magnets keep them firmly in place. We heard no rattles during our testing, and removing the card didn’t cause the fans to move at all. They’re also quiet enough for all but the most aurally-sensitive. Both the 90mm central fan on the RX 7800 XT and 100mm fans found everywhere else did their job with aplomb.

One area we really like is the rated lifespan of the fans, and XFX’s pledge. Namely that the 70000 hours MTBF for the fans is lengthy, but in the event of a failed fan they’ll send you a replacement, free of charge, without needing you to RMA the card. That’s the ninja benefit. It’s easy to think of the simplicity of cleaning the card. Or replacing a fan that has got rattly in its old age. It wasn’t until we read that it dawned on us that as the fan is separate you could replace it under warranty without needing to box up your whole card. You could even – although we wouldn’t endorse this – use cable ties and a regular system fan whilst awaiting the jiffy-bagged replacement.

The XFX Magnetic Air Radeon graphics cards bring all the benefits of a fantastic cooler design, with the added benefits of being easy to keep dust free and replace when the day arrives that the bearing finally gives up the ghost. It’s a simple idea beautifully executed and wins our OC3D Innovation Award.

XFX Mercury AMD Radeon RX 7900XTX Magnetic Air – $979.99
XFX Qicksilver AMD Radeon RX 7800XT Magnetic Air Arctic White – $529.99

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Tom Logan - TTL - tinytomlogan

Tom Logan - TTL - tinytomlogan

The dude from the videos, really not that tiny, fully signed up member of the crazy cat man club.

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