Dead Island 2 PC Performance Review and Optimisation Guide

Dead Island 2 PC Performance Review and Optimisation Guide

CPU Performance – How CPU-limited is Dead Island 2?

When initially testing Dead Island 2 with our RTX 4090 graphics card, we immediately found that the game was hugely CPU-limited when played on today’s flagship-level graphics cards, especially on the AMD Ryzen 5600X that is currently sitting within our games test system. Yes, this is not a high-end gaming CPU, but it is this game’s recommended processor, and the good news is that this CPU is able to keep Dead Island 2 far above 60 FPS in our demanding test area. 

For our benchmarking, we tested a night-time scene and used the start of the “Clickbait” mission, which has slayers play loud music at the top of a building to lure zombies and film some zombie combat for a character called Amanda. This area is hard on our processor, and there are many areas of Dead Island 2 where the game can easily run at well over 120 FPS at Ultra settings. 

Optimising CPU Performance

If you want more performance from your CPU in Dead Island 2, you should lower settings like view distance and post-processing, as this will lower CPU load during traversal and during combat. That said, the performance gains from doing this are limited. Setting a framerate cap for Dead Island 2 can also help to stabilise performance by preventing huge levels of framerate variance between areas when CPU-limited by capping the framerate at a specific level. 

Dead Island 2 PC Performance Review and Optimisation Guide Â