AMD Radeon Shipping Dual Fiji Mini PCs to VR developers

AMD Radeon Shipping Dual Fiji Mini PCs to VR developers

AMD Radeon Shipping Dual Fiji Mini PCs to VR developers


AMD Radeon has started shipping Dual Fiji Mini PCs to VR developers, offering a form factor not much larger than an Xbox One with around 9x the GPU horsepower. 

While Roy Taylor’s Tweet does not state that these systems have dual Fiji chips inside, he has already stated at VRLA that they have been able to fit dual Fiji inside the Falcon Northwest cases shown. Here is a quote AMD’s Roy Taylor from VRLA confirming this. 


     Last time I was here I also promised you that we would make the world’s most powerful small computer for developers. We promised you we would take two of our highest end GPUs and put it inside that tiny box and if you go downstairs we actually have a demonstration of a dual GPU, 12 TeraFlops, fastest GPU solution in the world, inside of Tiki. It’s a feat of engineering we are delighted with.




VR is expected to drive GPUs forward, requiring much more powerful GPUs than are available to day in order to give the realistic graphics and high framerates that VR requires for truly immersive experience.

One of the solutions for High performance VR GPU computation is to dedicate a single GPU ti each screen in a VR setup, giving each screen a large amount of dedicated GPU horsepower instead of relying on traditional latency heavy Multi-GPU techniques. 


  AMD Radeon Shipping Dual Fiji Mini PCs to VR developers


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