Nvidia reveals their G-Assist AI Assistant for Gamers

Nvidia G-Assist aims to put all gaming knowledge at your fingertips

Today, Nvidia has revealed G-Assist, a new AI framework that aims to empower gamers with the knowledge of the internet. Between game-focused wiki sites, guides, and walkthroughs, there is a lot of gaming knowledge on the web. Now, thanks to the power of AI, that knowledge can be accessed by language models to give gamers the advice they need on demand.

Do you need a crafting recipe? Advice on where to find rare materials? Maybe you need help to beat a challenging in-game boss? G-Assist is a tool that can help gamers with that, thanks to the power of AI large language models.

Nvidia G-Assist isn’t an AI chat-bot

G-Assist isn’t an AI chat bot that has access to every major gaming wiki. It is a framework that has access to voice-t0-text functions, screen data, and game-specific information. If G-Assist is integrated into a game, your local G-Assist AI will know what you are doing in-game. That knowledge could be vital when it comes to assisting and empowering gamers.

Want to know how to defeat a specific enemy? G-Assist could look at your screen and know what you are fighting. If G-Assist is integrated into a game, it could know exactly where in the game you are and adjust its advice accordingly. With voice and text functions, it can answer your questions by listening to your voice or reading text prompts.

Nvidia showed us G-Assist in action with Ark: Survival Ascended. Here, Nvidia used the AI to give players advice about the best early-game weapon. The AI told the player what weapon to use. Additionally, the AI told players the steps needed to craft the weapon in question.

For the next example, Nvidia asked what saddle they needed to ride the dinosaur on-screen. G-Assist was able to identify the dinosaur in question and tell players what kind of saddle they needed. Beyond that, the AI told players the level requirement of that item.

Overall, AI Assist appears to be a useful tool for gamers who want to quickly access information. Even so, Nvidia has not revealed when G-Assist will be available to gamers. Additionally, Nvidia has not stated how G-Assist gets its information, or how it ensures the accuracy of that information. After all, game updates can make online information out of date.

Another question is how will this technology impact the creators of game walkthroughs and the sites that host game wikis. Will Nvidia’s AI read their content without attribution or compensation? Could G-Assist put these websites out of business? While G-Assist appears to be a very useful tool, its use raises a lot of questions.

Mark Campbell

Mark Campbell

A Northern Irish father, husband, and techie that works to turn tea and coffee into articles when he isn’t painting his extensive minis collection or using things to make other things.

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