Silent Hill: Ascension will premiere later this month

Silent Hill: Ascension, an interactive streaming series, will premiere on Halloween night

Konami are working to make Silent Hill a transmedia franchise, announcing both new games and other media based on their IP. Later this month, Silent Hill: Ascension will be premiered, an interactive streaming series where viewers can vote on what happens next.

Silent Hill fans can now download the Silent Hill Ascension App on the Google Play Store and Apple Store. The series will premiere on October 31st, and the series’ app store description states that the series will have “daily live story scenes” which will differ depending on viewer choices. If viewers cannot watch these scenes live, they can catch up on them on demand at a later time.

Below is what Genvid has to say about the series on their Ascension app on the Google Play Store.

The series follows multiple main characters from locations around the world tormented by new and terrifying Silent Hill monsters. Lurking in the shadows, these monsters threaten to consume people, their children, and entire towns as they’re drawn into the darkness by both recent murders and long-suppressed guilt and fears. Join this immersive journey as your decisions shape the story, leading to gripping moments of redemption, suffering, or damnation.

Konami currently has several new Silent Hill games in the works. Blooper Team are currently working on a remake of Silent Hill 2. All-new games are also in the works in the form of Silent Hill Townfall and Silent Hill F.

If gamers want a fix of Silent Hill 2 before the release of its remake, modders have created a “PC Enhanced Edition” of the game that fans can enjoy. Recent updates to the mod have added a functional 60 FPS mode and better control options to the game.

You can join the discussion on Silent Hill: Ascension on the OC3D Forums.

Mark Campbell

Mark Campbell

A Northern Irish father, husband, and techie that works to turn tea and coffee into articles when he isn’t painting his extensive minis collection or using things to make other things.

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