10 minutes of cancelled Neversoft Call of Duty game leaks online

The Call of Duty that never was – Have a look at Neversoft’s cancelled COD game

Footage from an Xbox 360-era Call of Duty title from Neversoft has leaked online, showing gamers what their cancelled futuristic COD title would have looked like.

Brian Bright, a former Neversoft developer, has confirmed that the footage is real. The game (Codenamed NX1) was originally due to release instead of Call of Duty Ghosts, but the project was ultimately cancelled. The game’s leaked footage showcases a level called “Moonbase Assault”. As the name suggests, this level is located on a moon base. This level features low gravity gameplay and

Neversoft is best known for their Tony Hawk games, Spider-Man (2000), and the Guitar Hero series. The company later worked on the Call of Duty franchise, with the studio supporting Infinity Ward and Sledgehammer Games. In 2024, Neversoft merged with Infinity Ward, bringing an end to Neversoft as an independent game studio.

Based on the leaked footage of NX1, the cancelled Neversoft Call of Duty game, the game features a surprising level of polish for a cancelled project. The game looks good for an Xbox 360 era shooter and we cannot see placeholder assets within the game. The weapon animations also appear to be bespoke, and the audio work is solid for something that is unfinished.

The leaked footage of Call of Duty NX1 comes from Riley541 on YouTube.

Multiplayer footage for for NX1 has also been released. This footage is from a desert town environment, which isn’t as futuristic or exciting as the game’s single player moon base level.

You can join the discussion on Neversoft’s cancelled Call of Duty game on the OC3D Forums.

Mark Campbell

Mark Campbell

A Northern Irish father, husband, and techie that works to turn tea and coffee into articles when he isn’t painting his extensive minis collection or using things to make other things.

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