Elden Ring Shadows of the Erdtree launch presents problems for Steam Deck users

Elden Ring’s latest update/expansion has created a problem for PC gamers on Valve’s Steam Deck

Elden Ring’s Shadow of the Erdtree expansion has launched alongside update 1.12. Sadly, this new Elden Ring launch has not gone smoothly for users of Valve’s Steam Deck handheld. From Software has confirmed a bug that could make the game’s controls unresponsive. That’s a major problem for a game that requires well-timed movements and attacks.

Thankfully, From Software has confirmed that a hotfix is in the works that will address this issue. That said, Steam Deck users are reporting other issues. Some have reported being unable to access Elden Ring’s online mode, an issue that is locking away some of the game’s content.

From Software claims that gamers can prevent the game’s unput issues on Steam Deck by keeping their Steam Deck’s active. Leaving the system inactive for 5 minutes can cause issues. That’s a problem for anyone who may leave the game paused for a significant amount of time. Our advice is to wait for the game’s hotfix before playing Elden Ring and its expansion on Steam Deck. Hopefully, this update will be released soon.

You can join the discussion on Elden Ring’s Steam Deck bug on the OC3D Forums.

Mark Campbell

Mark Campbell

A Northern Irish father, husband, and techie that works to turn tea and coffee into articles when he isn’t painting his extensive minis collection or using things to make other things.

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