Saint Row 2’s PC Source Code has been Found – Volition will fix the game’s lacklustre port
Saint Row 2’s PC Source Code has been Found – Volition will fix the game’s PC Port
Volition, the developer behind the Saints Row series, has wanted to fix Saint Row 2’s PC version for years, but until now Source Code for the port was unavailable. Saints Row 2’s PC version was created by a 3rd party studio, which meant that Volition didn’t have Source Code for the game’s PC version on site. Now, Volition has gained access to Saints Row 2’s long-lost PC source code, and the developer plans to use it to fix Saints Row 2’s PC version.Â
This patch was announced during Saints Row 2’s 11th-anniversary livestream, where it was announced that Volition planned to address Saints Row 2’s issues on PC. This planned patch will be free to all owners of the game, though at this time it is unknown when the patch will be released.Â
Volition will use this patch to add Saints Row 2’s formerly console-only DLC to the game’s PC version and add Steamworks integrations into the title, restoring the game’s multiplayer features.Â
You can join the discussion on Volition’s plans to fix Saints Row 2’s PC version on the OC3D Forums.Â