AMD publishes RDNA 3 Micro Engine Scheduler “MES” firmware documentation for developers

AMD’s giving developers better understanding of their RDNA 3 GPUs with new documentation

AMD are boosting their engagement with the open source community in an effort to increase interest in their latest graphics hardware. Now, AMD has released new Micro Engine Scheduler “MES” firmware documentation for RDNA 3 though GPU Open. In time, AMD’s MES firmware should become Open Source, but for now, developers have documentation that details how it works.

AMD’s open sourcing efforts were started mostly thanks to the public reticule the company received from George Hotz’ TinyCorp. Since then, AMD has committed to “Open sourcing additional portions of our software stack and [releasing] more hardware documentation”.

By releasing documentation for their Micro Engine Scheduler, AMD will make it easier for some programmers to optimally utilise their latest graphics products. This should help AMD generate more GPU hardware sales outside of the “gaming” market. This should benefit both AMD and the broader hardware compute market, as stronger Radeon hardware utilisation will give the PC market a stronger non-Nvidia, GPU option for computational tasks.

Earlier this year, AMD released ROCm 6.0. This released broadened ROCm’s support for consumer-grade Radeon GPUs. Today, ROCm supports Radeon RX 7900 XTX, RX 7900 XT, and RX 7900 GRE graphics cards. It also supports Radeon Pro W7900 and W7800 GPUs.

Ultimately, these efforts from AMD should help them to sell more hardware. AMD wants to benefit as much as possible from the growth of AI, and they need the support of developers to do that. Opening up their software and hardware will help AMD to achieve these aims.

You can join the discussion on AMD publishing their MES firmware on the OC3D Forums.

Mark Campbell

Mark Campbell

A Northern Irish father, husband, and techie that works to turn tea and coffee into articles when he isn’t painting his extensive minis collection or using things to make other things.

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