I’m sure someone wants to buy Corsair’s humungous LL 500mm RGB fan

I'm sure someone wants to buy Corsair's humungous 500mm fan

I’m sure someone wants to buy Corsair’s humungous LL 500mm RGB fan

Corsair’s currently celebrating Fan Week, bringing some much-needed attention to one of the most vital components of every modern PC. Cooling is life, and fans are the workhorses that keep our systems from overheating, and many modern gaming rigs lit up with RGB illumination. 

To celebrate Fan Week, Corsair’s crack team of Memeologists have revealed a product designed to blow away the competition. Presenting the Corsair LL500mm RGB fan, a product that’s 10x the size of the industry standard. 

The idea is simple, “Bigger Fan = Bigger Cooling”, and Corsair has taken this mantra to the extreme. Yes, this product isn’t a real product. Yes, Corsair had delivered an out-of-season April Fools joke, but we are sure that somebody reading this wants a 500mm RGB fan.  

As the video below showcases, Corsair’s LL 500mm RGB fan is designed for personal cooling as well as PC cooling. Air conditioning is not common in this country, and that factor alone makes a fan this large very appealing during the peak of summer. Should the UK experience another heatwave, you can be sure that reviewers will start submitting requests for LL 500mm RGB review samples. 

No, Corsair’s LL 500m RGB fan isn’t going to be a real product, but congrats to Corsair’s PR team for fabricating such a massive fan. What’s next? A matching PC case and AIO? Perhaps we will need cooling that big if Nvidia’s 450W RTX 3090 SUPER rumours are true. 

You can join the discussion on Corsair’s humungous LL 500mm RGB fan on the OC3D Forums.

I'm sure someone wants to buy Corsair's humungous 500mm fan Â