GPU repairer fixed 200 melted RTX 4090 power connectors last month

Melted RTX 4090 12VHPWR connectors remain a huge problem, GPU repairer claims

NorthridgeFix, a electronics repair shop in California, has highlighted that they are still repairing RTX 4090 graphics cards with melted 12VHPWR connectors. In fact, the company has claimed that they have repaired around 200 of these connectors over the past month. In the video below, a box of these melted connectors was shown as evidence.

NorthridgeFix, in the video below, also commented on their repairs of CableMod’s 12VHPWR angled adapters. The company has repaired many RTX 4090 GPUs with melted connections on CableMod adapters. In February, CableMod issued a full recall for their angled adapters. NorthridgeFix claims that CableMod’s angled adapters are good products, but that they were built on a bad foundation. Simply put, NorthridgeFix sees the 12VHPWR standard as flawed, not CableMod’s product.

It remains unknown if NorthridgeFix’s RTX 4090 repairs are exclusively for older models with 12VHPWR connectors. Nvidia’s newer RTX graphics cards use a revised 12V-2×6 power connector, which features longer power pins and shorter sense pins. Has Nvidia’s revised power connectors prevented the RTX 4090 melted connector issue, or has the new 12V-2×6 connector retained the same problems as its predecessor?

With around 200 fixes over the past month, it is clear that melted 12VHPWR connectors remains a problem for Nvidia. At this time, it is unknown if AMD or Intel plan to utilise the 12VHPWR/12V-2×6 power standard on any of their future products.

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Mark Campbell

Mark Campbell

A Northern Irish father, husband, and techie that works to turn tea and coffee into articles when he isn’t painting his extensive minis collection or using things to make other things.

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