Crytek has started hiring for Crysis 4 – Don’t expect the game to launch anytime soon

Crytek has started hiring for Crysis 4 - Don't expect the game to launch anytime soon

Want to work on Crysis 4? Crytek are now hiring staff to create a next-generation shooter

Last year Crytek confirmed that Crysis 4 (Working Title) is in development, and this week Crytek has released a new video titled “A CRYSIS is Coming. We need your help”, confirming that the company is now hiring new staff to create their next Crysis title.

In their video, Crytek advertises roles that include “Lead Producer”, “Lead AI Programmer”, and “Lead Environmental Artist”, implying that Crysis 4 remains in very early development, which means that gamers should not expect to see a next-generation Crysis game anytime soon. 

On Crytek’s website, there are over 20 roles that are advertised under the “Crysis 4 (Working Title) heading, all of which are listed under Crytek Frankfurt, though these jobs can also be worked on remotely.

Crysis 3 released on PC and consoles in February 2013, making the newest Crysis game almost nine years old. That said, the Remastered editions of Crysis, Crysis 2 and Crysis 3 for PC and consoles have revitalised interest in the series in recent years, creating demand for an all-new Crysis game. Unfortunately, Crysis Warhead is yet to receive an official remaster from Crytek, much to our displeasure.

Crysis 4 has the potential to benefit from nine years of CryEngine development and the upgraded hardware that is available within today’s PCs and consoles. Those changes alone should help to ensure that Crysis 4 will take the series to new graphical heights.

Below is what Crytek’s CEO Avni Yerli had to say about Crysis 4 when the game was revealed in early 2022.


To everyone in our amazing Crysis community, and to all fans of the franchise all around the world: we have a special announcement to make, just for you.

It’s something you have been asking us for a long time, so it’s now finally time to confirm – yes, a new Crysis game is happening!

We are so pleased and excited to bring this news to you, and we really can’t wait to reveal more details about what lies ahead.

Right now the game is in the early stages of development so it will be a while yet, but we wanted to bring you the news at this time as we are so hyped for the future, and to let you know that we will be listening to our community.

Crytek has a proud history of working with our community to develop the games you want to play. Crysis is incredibly important to so many people – it’s beloved by gamers everywhere, and some of those working in the industry today are doing so because of the original game – so we want to make sure the next instalment in the franchise lives up to all of your expectations. Make sure to join our socials and get involved!

As development progresses we will release more details when we can. But in the meantime, know that our dedicated and talented team is working hard to bring you a truly next-gen shooter.

I also want to let Hunt: Showdown players know that we have some great things planned for you too, this year and beyond, so watch this space.

And, if you’re one of those people who was inspired by Crysis to get into development, then why not come work on the next chapter? We have some openings available on the team right now, for people who will truly shape the future of the franchise:

I just want to finish by saying thank you to everyone who has played and enjoyed Crysis, Hunt: Showdown and all of our other titles over the years – none of this would be possible without you!

Avni Yerli 

You can join the discussion on Crytek’s new Crysis 4 hiring spree on the OC3D Forums.