Destiny 2 will be able to take advantage of high core/thread counts on PC

Destiny 2 will be able to take advantage of high core/thread counts on PC

Destiny 2 will be able to take advantage of high core/thread counts on PC

At Intel’s E3 Press Conference, it was announced that Destiny 2 will support high CPU core counts on PC, including Intel’s upcoming 18-core i9 Extreme.
At this time it remains to be seen whether or not the game will be able to support 18-cores and 36-threads, though the promise of strong multi-core CPU support is certainly great news for PC gamers, especially those who are using AMD’s latest Ryzen processors. 
While Intel will be releasing their X299 CPUs with up to a total of 18-cores CPU cores this year, it is wrong to assume that many, if any, gamers will purchase this CPU unless they use their PC for rendering or some other form of CPU-heavy work. In reality, this announcement is great news for AMD, who currently offer the highest core counts and thread counts on the market at every consumer price bracket.



Destiny 2 will also come with an unlocked framerate on PC, allowing the game to support refresh rates of 60Hz and beyond, a task that is impossible on all of today’s consoles, even the Xbox One X, which locks the game to 30FPS like PS4, PS4 Pro and Xbox One. 

PC will also benefit from dedicated FOV options, support for ultrawide screen resolutions and high framerates. 


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