PC gamers can now see how much they have spent on Steam
Want to know exactly how much money you have spent on Steam? You can do that!
Valve’s Steam platform has been available for over 20 years now. Today, the storefront is at the core of the PC gaming experience, having pioneered the digital distribution model that gamers enjoy today.
While Steam has faced growing competition in recent years, the platform remains dominant. It is rare to see a AAA game outside of Steam, and that means that most PC gamers have spent a large sum of money on Valve’s gaming platform.
A few years ago, Valve released a tool that allowed PC gamers to see how much money they spent on their platform. Note that this tool does not count money spent on 3rd party game keys. This tool only counts the money that has been spent on Steam directly. For many value-conscious PC gamers, this will dramatically reduce your spending total.
To see your Steam spending, all you need to do is follow this link to Steam’s External Funds Used page. Once there, gamers can log into their accounts and see how much money they have spent. Note that spending will be recorded in USD.
You can join the discussion on Steam’s spending webpage on the OC3D Forums.