Apple computers to be targeted more by hackers in 2016

Apple computers to be targeted more by hackers in 2016

Apple computers to be targeted more by hackers in 2016


According to the security firm Symantec, malware has been on the rise on both Apple’s Mac and iOS ecosystems this year, so much so that that Malware on iOS has effectively doubled. 

2016 is set to be a bumper year for Apple as FireEye, a different security firm expects cyber criminals to have a peaked interest in Apple’s “Walled Garden” ecosystem and expect Apple platforms to no longer be considered safe by consumers by the end of the year. 

Last year FireEye saw an average of between 10,000 and 70,000 Mac computers that have been infected by malware and expect that number to rise in 2017. 


      “This is far fewer than Windows desktops and we don’t want to scaremonger. Apple remains a relatively safe platform but Apple users can no longer be complacent about security, as the number of infections and new threats rise,”

“finding ways into Apple’s walled garden, and that will ramp up next year”

“We haven’t yet seen any threats targeting Apple Pay but anything that involves a financial transaction will be of interest to hackers.”


  Apple computers to be targeted more by hackers in 2016


With iOS and Mac PC being a more closed community than Android and Windows they have been considered by many as being a safe haven from bugs and viruses, but this cannot be further from the truth, especially moving into the future. 

No OS or platform is safe from viruses or malware and with the introduction of Apple pay hackers have more of a financial incentive to break into Apple’s Walled garden. 


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