Nintendo has become the US’ fastest selling console

Nintendo has become the US' fastest selling console

Nintendo has become the US’ fastest selling console

Nintendo of America has announced that their Switch console has become the US’ fastest selling console, achieving over 4.8 million sales since the console’s release in March. These sales figures surpass the US’ previous console bestseller, the Nintendo Wii, by a significant margin, with the console selling 4 million units in the same 10-month timeframe. 

While Nintendo’s dual purpose handheld/home console hybrid was seen as novel during its announcement, many thought that the unit would have difficulty entering the market because the system used hardware that was less powerful than the PS4 and Xbox One, nevermind the Xbox One X and PS4 Pro versions. While the Switch has had difficulty attracting a lot of big multiplatform games to the system, the console has enjoyed a large library to great titles, including Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Super Mario Odessy and smaller indie games like Stardew Valley. 

Since launch, the console the Nintendo Switch has been in high demand, so much so that the console was often sold out nationwide across the UK. The US has seen similar shortages, making it understandable how the console has been able to achieve such impressive sales figures. 


Nintendo has become the US' fastest selling console 

2018 is set to be another strong year for the Switch, with the incoming releases of an increasing number of mobile-friendly indie titles as well as games like Yoshi, Kirby Stars Allies and the console’s Bayonetta 1 & 2 remasters. 

You can join the discussion on the Nintendo Switch’s impressive sales figures on the OC3D Forums.Â