MSI Z790 Project Zero Review


MSI Z790 Project Zero Review


Any time you get a product which really turns the accepted wisdom on its head it usually comes with some things you have to accept. We’ve seen many products over the years have an approach which goes against the grain, but they normally hedge their bets. Or, because the design is so outré, you lose performance or usability. The MSI Z790 Project Zero, with its back-connect design, makes light of such considerations.

Performance is very much on a par with the majority of the Z790 motherboards we’ve reviewed. There was a fear that the 55A power stage might struggle under the demands of our Core i9-14900K, but actually it was fine. You probably shouldn’t try and overclock the nuts off it, but as a plug a play solution it’s spot on. We don’t know if the 14 55A power stages are a side-effect of the back-connect design, or if MSI just chose to go that way with it. Maybe they know that changing your case and motherboard is a hard sell for all but the most committed cable hider, and so kept the price down with less extreme power parts. Again, we emphasise that the actual results are perfectly fine, and so this isn’t a compromise you’re making.

If the Project Zero can handle our Core i9, and it can, then it can also handle anything you’re more likely to install.

What do I need?

What attracts you, and us, is the back-connect design. This is the third motherboard we’ve seen like this, and the benefits are obvious. No more headaches trying to route your cables. No need to get extra long cables as they are now facing where most cases keep your hardware. We see that Power supply cables for the 12V CPU 8pin connector are always cut to the millimetre. Here, with the power connectors on the back, you’re saving at least 30mm. Most modern cases also have their 2.5″ drive bays around the back. The SATA placement lets you keep it all tidy there too. Cases is the main consideration, and a large part of deciding if back-connect is the way forwards.

Most people place great stock in their case of choice. It’s the clearest way to express your personality. Lighting can let you show off, but when your system is powered off the case still demonstrates your taste and sophistication. If the case manufacturers produce the special design necessary for back-connect then this could really take off. Luckily if you like staying with one manufacturer the MSI MAG PANO 100L is perfect for back-connect motherboards.

With plenty of performance allied to the revolutionary connection method, the MSI Z790 Project Zero wins our OC3D Innovation Award.

Tom Logan - TTL - tinytomlogan

Tom Logan - TTL - tinytomlogan

The dude from the videos, really not that tiny, fully signed up member of the crazy cat man club.

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