Cooler Master’s raising the bar for budget gaming monitors with their GA2501

For 110 Euro, Cooler Master’s GA2501 is the king of budget gaming displays

Cooler Master has released its most affordable monitor to date, the GA2501, and it looks like an absolute bargain for budget OC gaming. With an asking price of 110 Euros, this low-cost IPS gaming monitor has great specifications that will appeal to a broad consumer base.

The GA2501 is a 24.5-inch 1080p monitor that offers gamers a 100Hz refresh rate and support for Adaptive-Sync. The screen features VESA mounts, and 84% coverage of both the DCI-P3 and Adobe RGB colour spaces. Not bad for a screen this affordable.

One strange feature of this monitor is its support for VGA inputs. Using VGA, this screen is limited to 75Hz. With HDMI, users can access this screen’s full 100Hz maximum refresh rate. This feature makes this screen a great upgrade option for older PCs, or anyone else who can in some way utilise a VGA input.

Being as affordable as it is, Cooler Master’s GA2501 gaming monitor does have its downsides. Obviously, there are 1080p screen that have higher refresh rate support or otherwise improved specifications. That said, these screen are more expensive. Another downside is that this screen lacks any form of integrated speakers, which means that users will need to invest in an alternative audio solution. In out eyes, this is not a real downside, as most gamers shouldn’t be using monitor speakers. Simply put, most monitor speakers are low quality, and gamers would benefit from external speakers or a good audio headset.

If this monitor is as good as it looks on paper, Cooler Master have successfully raised the bar for entry level gaming monitors. The GA2501 is affordable, and it have great specifications for gaming. Yes, there are better screens out there, but not at this price point.

You can join the discussion on Cooler Master’s GA2501 gaming monitor on the OC3D Forums.

Mark Campbell

Mark Campbell

A Northern Irish father, husband, and techie that works to turn tea and coffee into articles when he isn’t painting his extensive minis collection or using things to make other things.

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