Microsoft DirectSR detailed – It won’t replace DLSS, FSR or XeSS
Microsoft created DirectSR to make Super Resolution technologies easier to integrate
At GDC 2024, Microsoft plans to introduce their DirectSR technology to game developers. Ahead of the conference, Microsoft has confirmed that they have not created a new “Super Resolution” or upscaling technology. DirectSR is a new API that should make it easier for developers to integrate upscalers like DLSS, XeSS, and FSR into games.
This new Super Resolution API will soon become part of Microsoft’s Agility SDK for public preview. This will allow developers to test the API and provide feedback to Microsoft. This API should make it easier to integrate existing and future super resolution technologies into games.
Introducing DirectSR
We’re thrilled to announce DirectSR, our new API designed in partnership with GPU hardware vendors to enable seamless integration of Super Resolution (SR) into the next generation of games. Super Resolution is a cutting-edge technique that increases the resolution and visual quality in games. DirectSR is the missing link developers have been waiting for when approaching SR integration, providing a smoother, more efficient experience that scales across hardware. This API enables multi-vendor SR through a common set of inputs and outputs, allowing a single code path to activate a variety of solutions including NVIDIA DLSS Super Resolution, AMD FidelityFX Super Resolution, and Intel XeSS. DirectSR will be available soon in the Agility SDK as a public preview, which will enable developers to test it out and provide feedback. Don’t miss our DirectX State of the Union at GDC to catch a sneak peek at how DirectSR can be used with your games!
Most Super Resolution technologies user similar inputs to generate high quality upscaling results. These include motion vectors, depth buffers, colour buffers, and other common inputs. Using DirectSR, game developers will be able to integrate and activate multiple upscalers using a single codepath. This should make game development easier, especially on PC.
While Microsoft has been working on its own DirectML Super Resolution technology for years, the company appears to have no plans to release their own upscaling solution. This is hugely disappointing, as a strong upscaling solution from Microsoft could have huge implications for both Xbox and PC gaming.
You can join the discussion on Microsoft’s DirectSR API on the OC3D Forums.