AMD Radeon RX 7600 XT with XFX, Sapphire and PowerColor

XFX RX 7600 XT Qick 309 Up Close

RX 7600 XT Reviews

XFX RX 7600 XT Qick 309 Up Close

It’s not like XFX ever went away, but the recent cards we’ve seen from them, starting with the Thicc III, are fantastic. They’re really in the limelight right now. Possibly the best purveyor of Radeon cards. It is a tiny thing but we always love the vertical packaging. We see so many boxes that anything different is good.

XFX Qick 309

With the RX 7600 XT XFX have kept with their Qick 309 design – yes Qick no u. It’s a chunky, full width, three fan cooler.

XFX Qick 309 Card

Look at that length. We know it looks like a regular card size. However, you’ll see on the next two pages that the RX 7600 XT doesn’t need to be this big. Indeed a closer look here shows that the PCB stops way before the heatsink ends.

XFX Qick 309 Side

With so little PCB under the end fan we’re surprised XFX haven’t used a bigger cutout here. There clearly is room for one. It’s a tiny nit pick though on an otherwise beefy cooler.

XFX Qick 309 Backplate

Given all the talk there has been about the alternate power connector for graphics cards, there is something reassuring about the 8+8 arrangement here. Certainly it’s the easiest upgrade path. Older systems will have power supplies that only have these connectors, and nobody likes adaptors.

XFX Qick 309 Power

The business end is three DisplayPorts and a single HDMI. This has become the standard arrangement on all graphics cards. Unless the manufacturer deliberately adds another HDMI of course. Or a Type-C.

XFX Qick 309 Outputs

Tom Logan - TTL - tinytomlogan

Tom Logan - TTL - tinytomlogan

The dude from the videos, really not that tiny, fully signed up member of the crazy cat man club.

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