AMD Radeon RX 7600 XT with XFX, Sapphire and PowerColor

PowerColor RX 7600 XT Hellhound Up Close

RX 7600 XT Reviews

PowerColor RX 7600 XT Hellhound Up Close

We often wonder if the person who names the PowerColor range studied Greek Mythology. With Red Devils and this, the Hellhound, it’s a very “underworld” naming theme.

Powercolor Hellhound Box

Whilst the XFX RX 7600 XT slid the small PCB into a huge heatsink, the Hellhound goes the opposite route. Perfect if you’ve got a smaller case and want an easy fit. It’s tiny. Barely bigger than the two fans.

Powercolor Hellhound Card

The backplate shows off the Hellhound design. You can also see the two BIOS options – OC or Silent – as well as an LED colour switch.

Powercolor Hellhound Back

We don’t mean it to sound negative, but the design of the Hellhound looks like hundreds of other cards we’ve seen through the years. A thin shroud. Simple branding. Nickel heatsink. Reminds us of the first RX cards. If it isn’t broken and all that.

Powercolor Hellhound Side

The XFX had an 8+8 power input, whilst the Hellhound just needs 8+6. It shows where the RX 7600 XT fits in the AMD Radeon range.

Powercolor Hellhound Power

Outputs fit the standard arrangement with one HDMI flanked by three DisplayPort outputs.

Powercolor Hellhound Display

With the clear fans PowerColor have indulged in some lighting. We love the blue as it matches the Hellhound logo on the back.

Lighting Purplicious

Tom Logan - TTL - tinytomlogan

Tom Logan - TTL - tinytomlogan

The dude from the videos, really not that tiny, fully signed up member of the crazy cat man club.

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