ASUS PCIe-slot Q-release Slim feature found to scratch GPUs

Reviewers are not happy with ASUS’ PCIe slot Q-Release Slim solution

For the past few years, motherboard manufacturers have been trying to make PC building easier. To achieve this, ASUS has been developing Q-series features for their motherboards, aiming to make PC building a quicker (hence the Q) and more painless process. Now, the ASUS’ new PCIe Slot Q-Release Slim feature has placed the company in hot water.

The idea behind ASUS’ PCIe Slot Q-Release Slim feature is simple. Make graphics cards easier to remove from motherboards by removing the need to toggle retention systems or push buttons. With this feature, users of new ASUS motherboards can remove their GPUs with a simple but specific movement. The video below shows how this works.

The problem with ASUS PCIe Q-Release Slim

Sadly, ASUS’ new GPU removal process is not without its issues. Reviewers have found that it can cause unnecessary scratches or wear to GPUs. Below, HardwareLuxx’s Andreas Schilling has shown “damage” to his RTX 5090 review sample. While the damage is minor and will not impact GPU performance, this damage will add up with continued use.

While most PC builders will rarely remove/replace their graphics cards, reviewers often need to change their GPUs frequently. This means that reviewer testbed systems with ASUS motherboards may cause real damage to GPUs as GPU installs and removals add up. That said, it would likely require an insane number of GPU removals before such damage poses any real risk to the functionality of PC hardware.

Even if this damage is cosmetic, damage is damage. Currently, it is unknown if ASUS plans to make changes to its PCIe slots to prevent this issue. It is also unknown if this issue impacts all PCIe Q-Release Slim motherboards or just some of them.

What’s clear is that ASUS may need a less aggressive GPU retention system, one that will not noticeably damage the PCIe slots of connected graphics cards. Perhaps we will see a Q-Release Slim 2.0 design with next-generation AMD and Intel motherboards.

You can join the discussion on ASUS’ new Q-Release Slim mechanism causing GPU wear on the OC3D Forums.

Mark Campbell

Mark Campbell

A Northern Irish father, husband, and techie that works to turn tea and coffee into articles when he isn’t painting his extensive minis collection or using things to make other things.

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