Civilization: Beyond Earth – Rising Tide – “Hybrid Affinities”

Civilization: Beyond Earth - Rising Tide - â??Hybrid Affinitiesâ??

Civilization: Beyond Earth – Rising Tide – “Hybrid Affinities”


Civilization: Beyond Earth’s Rising Tide expansion will be adding a lot of new and interesting features, including “hybrid affinities” and a revamped diplomacy system. 

We already know that the expansion will be bringing with it new Alien types and and floating cities that can be built on the oceans, bringing the game a much larger amount of variety and playing options. The addition of new factions, or as the game calls them Sponsors, and new Hybrid affinities the game can now move through many more divergent paths, greatly improving the game’s replayability. 


Discover how to invest in multiple Affinities, rather than specializing in just one as you secure a vision for the future of humanity. Learn more about which path is best for your civilization, as you unlock special hybrid Affinity units along with unique upgrades.



In the base game there is very little to gain by researching several affinities so adding hybrid affinity units and abilities will now allow players to use may more play styles and give players more than 3 technology paths. Will you stay true to a single affinity of decide to mix and match to form a society which precisely matches your goals and desires?


You can join the discussion on Civilization: Beyond Earth’s Rising Tide Expansion on the OC3D forums. 
