Nvidia Engineer Misspoke about Just Cause 3’s SLI support

Nvidia Engineer Misspoke when he claimed that Just Cause 3 was incompatible with SLI

Nvidia Engineer Misspoke when he claimed that Just Cause 3 was incompatible with SLI


Last night when Nvidia released their Just Cause 3 performance guide one of their Engineers made a statement regarding the games SLI support, saying that the games “engine is incompatible with multi-GPU solutions”, which is something that was quickly edited too “The game is currently incompatible with multi-GPU Solutions”.

The first statement made by the Nvidia admin was technically speaking incorrect, as SLI is something that is implemented at the driver level and as such can be compatible with any application, though as we all should know not all applications are easy to use multiple GPUs on. 


Nvidia Engineer Misspoke when he claimed that Just Cause 3 was incompatible with SLI

(Original statement from Nvidia regarding SLI support in Just Cause 3)


SLI in essence is something that is something that can work on any game engine, though some will work better than others, as is evident by how different games scale with multiple GPUs. SLI is not an easy thing to implement, but it is by no means impossible to do technically speaking.

When using SLI games typically use a technique call alternate frame rendering, where each GPU creates each alternate frame, the game itself sees only a single GPU instead of an SLI setup and the GPU driver will distribute the workload between each GPU. Here the engine doesn’t do anything to allow SLI to work, though game engines do need to be made to work well with GPU drivers in order to get the best performance. 


Nvidia Engineer Misspoke when he claimed that Just Cause 3 was incompatible with SLI

(Edited statement regarding SLI support in Just Cause 2)


With Nvidia changing their statement to the game being “currently incompatible” with multi-GPU solution, it means that Nvidia are indeed working on SLI support fro the game, so hopefully the game will have that support soon. 

Right now the game runs very well on Nvidia GPUs, with Nvidia’s GTX 980Ti being able to achieve playable framerates at max settings at 4K, which is no small feat. 


You can join the discussion on Just Cause 3’s SLI support on the OC3D Forums.