Valve showcase VR performance optimization techniques at GDC

Valve showcase VR performance optimization techniques at GDC

Valve showcase VR performance optimization techniques at GDC


Valve is going to showcase VR performance optimization techniques at GDC, showing how they reduced the requirements for one of their early demos from a GTX 980 to a GTX 680, allowing increased fidelity with higher end GPUs and lower system requirements. 


       Reliably hitting 90 fps in VR is a significant challenge. This talk will present a method for adaptively scaling fidelity to consistently maintain VR framerate without using reprojection techniques, even on very low-end GPUs, while also having the ability to increase fidelity for high-end GPUs and multi-GPU installations. Valve’s Aperture Robot Repair VR experience that was shown at GDC 2015 required an NVIDIA 980 to maintain framerate, but this talk will use that same experience as an example of how we now adaptively scale fidelity to maintain 90 fps on an NVIDIA 680, a 4-year-old GPU.

The end result is an engine that appears higher fidelity throughout the experience, a lower GPU min spec, increased art asset limits, and a system that allows developers to stop focusing on framerate and instead spend their time increasing the quality and performance of their renderer while consistently maintaining framerate.


Attendees will learn several methods for adaptively scaling fidelity to keep their VR applications in framerate without using reprojection techniques.

  Valve showcase VR performance optimization techniques at GDC

The goal of this session is to show developers how to maintain a high framerate for VR gaming while at the same time maintaining a high visual quality in-game, allowing the system requirements of VR gaming to be lower for consumers.

Getting the same performance as a GTX 980 from a GTX 680 is a very impressive feat, especially given the fact that the GTX 980 is a product that is two generations newer. 


You can join the discussion on Valve’s VR performance optimization panel at GDC on the OC3D Forums. 


