Borderlands movie launches with horrific review scores

The Borderlands movie has launched with a mediocre Rotten Tomatoes rating

The Borderlands movie is now available to watch in theatres, and so far, things aren’t looking good for the video game’s film adaptation. Initially, the movie had a abysmal rating of 0% on Rotten Tomatoes. Since then, Borderlands’ critical rating has increases (slightly) to 10%.

Moving onto the film’s audience score, the film now features a rating of 50%. This signals that real audiences are enjoying the movie more than critics. Even so, a score of 50% isn’t great, especially for a film that has an established gaming fanbase.

Reviewers have called out the movie’s writing, dialogue, and lack of character development. There is some praise for the film’s presentation, but this isn’t enough to save the movie from its overwhelmingly negative critical rating. As mentioned before, Audience reviews are more positive. Even so, opinions of the movie are mixed at best. Some compare the movie to the first Guardians of the Galaxy and others rate the movie as being absolutely terrible.

The borderlands movie has launched as one of the lowest rated game-to-cinema adaptations of recent memory. The movie reportedly cost $100 million to produce, and it remains to be seen whether or not the movie’s all-star cast will be enough to generate a profit. Based on current review scores, we shouldn’t expect this movie to get a sequel.

You can join the discussion on Borderlands’ poor reviews on the OC3D Forums.

Mark Campbell

Mark Campbell

A Northern Irish father, husband, and techie that works to turn tea and coffee into articles when he isn’t painting his extensive minis collection or using things to make other things.

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