PETA wants Warhammer characters to stop wearing fur

PETA wants Warhammer characters to stop wearing fur

PETA wants Warhammer characters to stop wearing fur

PETA have contacted Games Workshop’s CEO and have requested that the company bans fur garments for their fictional characters.
Games Workshop is the company that owns the Warhammer brand and produces what are likely the most popular wargaming miniatures brand in the whole world. 
This is far from the first time that PETA has taken an interest in the gaming industry, with the organisations condemning Call of Duty: World at War’s use of War dogs in 2009 despite their historical use, arguing that the ability to kill rats in Battlefield 3 has a “brutalising effect on the young male target audience” and even going so far as to distribute leaflets at StarCraft 2 events which told guests that “Zerglings have feelings, too”. More recently in 2015 PETA also condemned  
To say the least these efforts or PETA are a total waste, as while they argue that the use of animals in fictional worlds and game promote the wearing of fur and murder of animals in the real world, there is no real evidence to support that. 

PETA wants Warhammer characters to stop wearing fur

(Who will PETA target next?)
The use of fur and the killing of animals in fictional worlds should not be the concern of PETA, as firstly, in the Warhammer universe (and many others), mankind is nowhere near the top of the food chain. In every Warhammer universe, the human race has to content with creatures Dragons, Chaos, and countless animals that could tear a human limb from limb. These are not worlds where humans would concern themselves with the evils of the fur industry, as simply put they are often in a kill or be killed situation when facing anything other than other humans. 
If such a “fur” ban were to be enforced on Warhammer where would it stop? Would it suddenly prevent humans from warring with Skaven, the beastmen or the creatures of chaos? These races could, in theory, be killed for fur. If we are inflicting bans on fictional worlds then where does it stop?  
If we are inflicting nonsensical bans on fictional worlds then where does it stop, do we stop Game of Thrones from using fur next?
 PETA wants Warhammer characters to stop wearing fur

(The Humans of Warhammer 40K have a lot to be concerned about) (More Blood for the Blood God!)  

The idea of banning fur in Warhammer settings is like asking for guns to be banned in DOOM, or the killing of humans to be banned in any war game. 

Even the idea of fur being ban-worthy in Warhammer is a ludicrous idea, especially in Warhammer 40K, the world where “there is only war”, where trillions of men women and children are killed in through war and where the sacrifice of thousands of humans are required to satisfy the immortal “God-Emporer of mankind” on a daily basis.

If PETA wants to make a positive impact on animal rights and harm the fur trade, they will need to target people and organisations that actually matter, as imposing needless restrictions on fictional worlds will by definition not have any effect in reality. 

All that PETA are doing here is wasting their resources for meaningless gains, targeting artists and gamers where they should be targeting those who are responsible for the evils of the fur trade. Will boycotting Games Workshop have an effect on the fur industry? NO!


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