Obduction is currently available for free on PC

Obduction is currently available for free on PC

Obduction is currently available for free on PC

Until June 1st at 2 PM BST, Obduction will be available for free on PC, offering gamers on both Windows and Linux the ability to access this title for free even when offline. 

Yes, this free copy of abduction comes without DRM, requiring PC players to download the title from GOG and that’s it. It’s now yours. No always online storefronts or internet chacks. Yes, you need a GOG account to access this title, but that is a small price to pay for access to this game. 

Obduction comes from Cyan Worlds, the developers behind Myst and Riven, two popular adventure titles. Obduction released in 2017 on PC to favourable reviews, with many reviewers praising the game’s execution. 

DRM-Free copies of Obduction are now available for free on GOG. 

You can join the discussion on Obduction being available for free on PC on the OC3D Forums.Â