Okami HD has been rated for Xbox One, PS4 and PC in Korea

Okami HD has been rated for Xbox One, PS4 and PC in Korea

Okami HD has been rated for Xbox One, PS4 and PC in Korea

Three new versions of Okami HD have been rated by the South Korean ratings body GRAC, revealing that PS4, Xbox One and PC versions of Okami HD could be in the works.  
Okami was originally released on the PS2 in 2006, with a Wii version coming in 2008 and a PS3 version called Okami HD releasing on PS3 in 2012. Now it looks like remastered versions of this game could be coming to modern console platforms, including PC. 
This is far from an official confirmation, as these kinds of listings can happen well in advance of an actual game release or represent a game that isn’t actually in development at the time. At best we can say that this shows that Capcom is interested in re-releasing this PS2 classic on modern platforms, given the popularity of HD re-releases in recent years. 


Okami HD has been rated for Xbox One, PS4 and PC in Korea 

With the popularity of old console classics like Bayonetta and Vanquish on PC, it seems like Okami HD could easily sell well on the platform if released. 


You can join the discussion on Okami HD’s potential PC, PS4 and Xbox One versions on the OC3D Forums.