RTX Remix continues to impress with this upcoming mod for XIII

XIII (Classic) looks awesome with this RTX Remix mod

Jacob Freeman, Nvidia’s GeForce Evangelist, has showcased the potential of the company’s RTX Remix tech once again with a new work in progress mode for XIII.

XIII, now XIII (Classic), in a 2003 shooter that features heavily stylised cell-shaded visuals with fun gameplay and an interesting story. While the game’s visuals were criticised at launch, its stylistic graphics novel inspired stylings have allowed this games’ visuals to age much better than other shooters of the era.

With RTX Remix, XIII’s lighting has received a major overhaul. While I would prefer higher contrast shadows like the original game, it is easy to see the appeals of ray tracing in classic games. So far, no game assets have been changes with this RTX Remix mod. That means that further visual improvements can be made. That said, I’m not sure if I’d like to see many changes to this game’s textures and assets. After all, This game’s look is rather iconic.

Sadly, this RTX Remix mod for XIII is a work in progress, and we cannot find anywhere to download it. Hopefully a version of this mod will be available to gamers soon, and it will be performant enough for RTX GPU users to try out.

Last month, we have seen many games get receive the RTX Remix treatment. Need for Speed Most Wanted and Need for Speed Rivals now have RTX Remix mods. An RTX Remix mod is also available for Tomb Raider.

You can join the discussion on XII’s RTX Remix Mod on the OC3D Forums.

Mark Campbell

Mark Campbell

A Northern Irish father, husband, and techie that works to turn tea and coffee into articles when he isn’t painting his extensive minis collection or using things to make other things.

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