Starcraft Mass Recall remakes Starcraft 1 within the Starcraft 2 engine
Starcraft Mass Recall remakes Starcraft 1 within the Starcraft 2 engine
This mod is available for free and can be played on all versions of Starcraft 2, including the game’s free Starter Edition. Version 8.0 of Starcraft: Mass Recall, which released on December 23rd, includes 68 maps and every mission from Starcraft 1 and the game’s Brood War expansion. This version of Mass Recall also includes the six missions from Starcraft’s 1998 demo campaign.Â
Below is the trailer for Starcraft Mass Recall version 7.0, which does a great job showcasing the mod. The mod can be downloaded here.Â
You can join the discussion on Starcraft 2’s Mass Recall mod on the OC3D Forums.