Transistor is now available for free on the Epic Games Store

Transistor is now available for free on the Epic Games Store

Transistor is now available for free on the Epic Games Store

Epic Games wants to become a true rival of Valve’s Steam and to accomplish that the company has three main plans of attack. First, they are securing Exclusives titles for their platform thanks to their developer-focused revenue sharing model, second, they are rapidly developing their platform to deliver a more Steam-like feature set and finally they are giving PC gamers a free game every two weeks to entice PC gamers into installing their game launcher. 

Starting today, Supergiant Games’ Transistor is available for free on the Epic Games Store. This offer will last for two weeks, after which the game will return to its MSRP pricing. Right now, Transistor is only available on Windows-based PCs.

Supergiant Games’ is best-known for Bastion, an action role-playing title with a killer soundtrack and excellently voice-acted story. All of Supergiant’s games have been highly regarded so far, including Hades, which is currently available on the Epic Games Store in early access.

Transistor is Supergiant’s second game, receiving high review scores from a number of gaming websites while securing over 48,000 soundtrack sales within ten days of release.

While many PC gamers have negative opinions of the Epic Games Store, it is hard to argue with the prospect of a free game, especially one that is highly rated. Transistor will be available for free on the Epic Games Store until May 2nd, after which World of Goo will be available for free. 

You can join the discussion on Transistor being Epic Games Store’ next free game on the OC3D Forums.