You can now prioritise COVID-19 projects with Folding@home’s latest update

You can now prioritise COVID-19 projects with Folding@home's latest update

You can now prioritise COVID-19 projects with Folding@home’s latest client update

With an announcement from Folding@home’s Greg Bowman, the project revealed that version 7.6.9 of the Folding@home desktop client had been released, allowing users to select “COVID-19” and “High Priority” projects as their cause preference. 

This update to the Folding@home client is also designed to address several bugs that were uncovered by volunteers, though some known bugs remain. We have been told that bug fixes were prioritised based on development time and that further updates to the Folding@home client will be made available in the future. 

Moving forward, the Folding@home project has also been working on a new “Open-Source Folding@home software”, something which is designed to improve the application’s performance and make it easier for communities to get involved in the client’s development. With this project, Folding@home plans to tap into the expertise of its active community to produce better software and a more engaging user experience for their users. 

At this time, little else is known about Folding@home’s future software releases, though we can expect more to be announced soon. 

You can now prioritise COVID-19 projects with Folding@home's latest update  
Those who are interested can read more about Folding@home’s latest and future client updates here. Version 7.6.9 of the Folding@home client can be downloaded here. 

How can I help? 

Last month, we released a guide on how to start Folding using Windows-based PCs. Today, COVID-19 projects on Folding@Home are both CPU and GPU-based, allowing PC users to dedicate most of their PC’s performance to fighting the pandemic. 

At this time, you cannot dedicate your PC’s resources specifically to Coronavirus-related projects, but know that all of Folding@home‘s projects are useful for disease research. 

For almost ten years, OC3D has hosted the Redline @ OC3D folding team (team number 98860). Those who are interested in folding should head over to our Folding@home subforum if you want to join the team or discuss folding with our active team members. 

You can join the discussion on Folding@home’s latest client update on the OC3D Forums. 

Special Thanks to SOA_RRU for bringing this news to our attention.Â