Roccat Torch Microphone Review

Roccat Torch Microphone Review

Software and Lighting

The Torch requires no additional software to work and can be used entirely from within the regular control panel audio functions. If you want to light it a specific colour you can install the Roccat Neon software, although all this does is allow you to turn on the Roccat lighting synchronisation (AIMO) which requires you to have another of their products to choose the colour. So if this is all you own it’s a wasted opportunity.

Roccat Torch Microphone Review  
Roccat Torch Microphone Review  

Each pattern has its own dedicated colour which changes the Roccot logo on the front, and the whole microphone goes red if you’re muted. Up the sides of the microphone are some LED stacks which show the level of gain you’ve currently employed.

Minimal Gain

Roccat Torch Microphone Review  

50% Gain

Roccat Torch Microphone Review  

100% Gain

Roccat Torch Microphone Review  

In whisper mode it defaults to the Roccat light blue with which we’re all familiar. We also like the “Live” indicator at the bottom. Okay when it’s muted it’s all red so you should be able to tell if you’ve got a hot mic or not.

Roccat Torch Microphone Review Â