Nanoxia DS6 Deep Silence 6 Review
The BuildÂ
The DS6 comes with a booklet of extensive instructions, which are informative and easy to follow (even if they do put the German language section first). Nanoxia haven’t scrimped on the accessories either, along with all the screws and bits you will need for assembly you also get a set of 4 rubber blanks to totally seal off the perforated grommets that come fitted, an external 5.25″ to 3.5″ adapter (finished in black to match the 5.25″ bay covers), a slack handful of decent length cable ties and last but not least, recognising that the dimensions of the DS6 might outstrip the cable lengths on a good many PSUs, Nanoxia have added a 24-pin ATX and an 8-pin CPU cable extension to the bundle.
On with the build then and with no worries about fitting in all our cables we were non the less diligent about our cable management. The PSU went in first resting firmly on its supportive rubber isolation nipples and lining up perfectly with the holes in the cut out.
Cable management was a piece of piddle, with no need for us to use the extension cables provided. Had we been putting in a larger mobo though we’d have had no choice and would have been very grateful for them. There’s no trough along the upper edge to run and stash fan cables and the like, but fortunately there is a row of cable tie points.
A huge deep trough at the bottom hides a multitude of sins and a good spread of cable tie points and more than ample management holes enable us to pull of a tidy job.
No we haven’t just fitted an Mini -ITX board into a standard mid tower chassis, however the sheer size of the DS6 does make our trusty old ASUS P6-T Deluxe V2 build board look more than a little lost in there. As protagonists of proportion we have to say it does look ridiculous so unless you’re going to fill up the rest of the space with water cooling kit and other exotic hardware we suggest one of the larger boards this case is able to accept would look much better. Even with the inner row of cable management holes we’re still having to drag a length of 24 pin across the white expanse of case to the socket, and the large second CPU cut out does rather mar the aesthetics of the otherwise stunning interior.Â