New Noctua Chromax Range

Noctua Chromax Products 

NA-SEC1 and NA-SYC1 Cables

So now you’ve got your colour coordinated heat sink covers and fans, you’re going to want some matching cables to make the whole thing complete.  The cables below are the NA-SYC1 fan splitter cables.  They come in a box of three matching colours and are available in the colours seen below.

Noctua Chromax Products  


Now, it’s fair to say there are plenty of options for you out there, but none we think that are quite as well put together as the Noctuas are, but then, what would you expect.  If we have a small quibble, it’s that Noctua haven’t colour coded the heat shrink, maybe they couldn’t get stuff to exactly colour match, or maybe they and perhaps you think it looks better this way, each to their own then.

Noctua Chromax Products  


In addition to the Splitter cables, Noctua also do the NA-SEC1, which is a fan extension cable.  These again come in Black, White, Red, Green, Blue and Yellow, and are available in boxes of four.

Noctua Chromax Products