NZXT S340 Elite Review

NZXT S340 Elite Review


What?  The accessories are getting a whole page to themselves???  Must mean there’s something good to be had.  Well aside from the usual screws, which are nicely separated into distinct bags,you also get a flat plugged SATA power extender to make connecting the front Show off SSD a damn site easier.  You also get no less than ten cable ties as opposed to most manufacturers four or five.

NZXT S340 Elite Review  

The instructions are decent but come on a single fold out table cloth of a sheet, which can make navigating around them a little confusing, not that we read them of course.

NZXT S340 Elite Review  

The main item of interest though is this very tactile and touchy feely rubber puck.  The rubber puck is also extremely magnetic thanks to an intergrated magnetic plate which enables it to adhere firmly to any ferrous metal, so basically anything that contains sufficient iron Nickel or Cobalt, not that you get too much Cobalt knocking around the place.

NZXT S340 Elite Review  

The puck is actually designed to break into two parts if required, but what the hell is thing thing actually used for?

NZXT S340 Elite Review  

Well if you hadn’t already guessed it’s a VR or audio headset mount.  Here we’ve shown it attached to the front of the case, but you could just as easily attach it to the side, or the beer fridge you have in your gaming room.  What do you mean you don’t have a beer fridge in their gaming room.

NZXT S340 Elite Review  

By splitting the puck in two you can easily take care of even quite long lengths of cables on accessories, and being rubberised all over, there’s no fear that it will leave unsightly marks or scratches on your case (or fridge).

NZXT S340 Elite Review Â