AMD Motherboard Round Up – Agesa Update

AMD Agesa Update

Wrap Up

BIOS updates are one of those things that you’re either obsessive about utilising, or you have got your system stable and clocked hard enough that you would rather not fix what isn’t broken and thus ignore them.

Rarely has an update brought such obvious performance benefits that we would recommend you update as a matter of urgency. Yes, we know that we should always advise people to update all their drivers and BIOS and programs and such as a matter of course. After all, “have you updated your x” is second only to “have you tried turning it off and on again” in the technology problem-solving handbook. But we do realise that, as we said in our opening sentence, many people get their systems just how they want them and don’t fancy installing a fresh BIOS and undoing all that hard work.

With the Agesa update, there are sufficient benefits to the performance of your system that if you do run it at factory settings rather than with a manual overclock then you absolutely should update your X570 motherboard, regardless of your manufacturer. Rather than glare at AMD for the things the earlier versions didn’t do that they should, let’s enjoy the fact that the performance was good enough to impress us when it wasn’t quite running at full speed, but is now even faster. For free.

Again we have to remind you that if you overclock at all, or if you solely use your system for full-core rendering tasks – 3D or Video – then you won’t spot the difference. But enough applications offload enough tasks to a single thread that if you have built your system and just run it at stock, then you’ll improve the overall responsiveness of your daily use. 



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