ASUS B550 Strix-E and Strix-F Comparison Preview

ASUS B550 Strix-E and Strix-F Comparison Preview

Block Diagram

The block diagrams show how different the design of the two boards is. You’d assume that with the CPU and B550 chipset combining to control everything, rather than relying upon third party chips, they’d be the same, but the differences are stark. They are, however, largely echoing what we spoke about on the preceding pages (PCI Express 4.0 slots and USB types) so we won’t go over them again. If you’re super keen then you can click to embiggen the pictures and peruse them to your hearts content.


ASUS B550 Strix-E and Strix-F Comparison Preview  


ASUS B550 Strix-E and Strix-F Comparison Preview Â