ASUS Z590-A Prime vs Strix B560-A Comparison

ASUS Z590-A Prime vs Strix B560-A Comparison

Close-Up Comparison

Just in case you’re not as keen eyed as some, the Strix is going to be the top image of the pair, with the Prime beneath. Straight away we have a way to tell the two apart. The Strix B560-A runs with a single 8pin ATX 12V, whilst the Prime not only has an 8+4 12V arrangement but also has a fan header tucked away in this corner.

ASUS Z590-A Prime vs Strix B560-A Comparison  
ASUS Z590-A Prime vs Strix B560-A Comparison  

The top right has the Z590 Prime being arranged much more in a way that we’re used to, with the CPU fan headers above the DIMM slots instead of above the top heatsink as they are on the Strix. Otherwise with the same placement of the AURA headers it’s clear the main notes are the same.

ASUS Z590-A Prime vs Strix B560-A Comparison  
ASUS Z590-A Prime vs Strix B560-A Comparison  

Front panel USB are the same on both the Strix and Prime. One Type-C and one Type-A. Worth noting that this isn’t an arrangement unique to these two motherboards of course, just when we’re checking out similarities they stand out a bit more than normal.

ASUS Z590-A Prime vs Strix B560-A Comparison  
ASUS Z590-A Prime vs Strix B560-A Comparison  

We know that some of you might be slightly disbelieving of the identikit nature of the two designs, but this pair of photographs more than any other should give you pause. Normally SATA ports are stacked in pairs so the arrangement of six would be 3×2. Here both the Prime and Strix have 6×1. Remember this is a Z590 and B560 – already different chipsets – whilst one is the plain ASUS Prime and the other part of the Republic of Gamers Strix brand.

ASUS Z590-A Prime vs Strix B560-A Comparison  
ASUS Z590-A Prime vs Strix B560-A Comparison Â