Asus 128mb PhysX Card Review/Preview
When Agiea released information about their PPU’s (Physics processing Unit): there was much excitement in the tech and gaming world. Was this to be the next revolutionary thing in gaming?
We’re going to take a look at an Ageia card made by Asus and see what all the fuss is about, whether PhysX is all what it promises and whether this will be able to develop into something big in the future.
This is a Review AND Preview. I am saying this as I have a retail packaged Ageia card in my hands but I feel that this technology is slightly in its infancy and needs to have more games out before I make a “final” judgement. This is not to say that there aren’t reasons for and against I would just like to make it clear how I see this article.
Asus have packaged up the card very nicely. The main packaging is good with a definite bow to the physics aspect of the card and a pretty cool inside sleeve type box that gives more info about the card. The information on the card is explained pretty well although this is definitely a “new” thing and so harder to get specs comparable to other products easy for the customer to interpret.